Selected talks on CompuCell3D or CompuCell3D models

Prof. Glazier's nanoBIO webinar "Cancer Games: Interactive Simulation of the Effect of Resource Limitation on Cancer Somatic Evolution using nanoHUB CompuCell3D"

The video is here and the slide deck is available here. This demo can be run on your local machine or on nanoHUB in a Jupyter Notebook, see the slide deck for details. Cancer Games Webinar

For more info on the excellent nanoBIO online workshops visit this web page.

TJ Sego's IMAG/MSM Viral Pandemics Short talk

Multiscale Multicellular Spatiotemporal Modeling of Viral Infection and Immune Response A Modular, Extensible Agent-Based Framework PDF here.

Multiscale Multicellular modeling of tissue function and Covid-19 modeling webinar

Dr. Glazier's webinar describing the theory and use of Compucell3D and its application to modeling Covid-19 is available on here. The webinar is part of the University of Massachusetts Amherst Mathematical and Computational Biology Seminar Series.

We have prepared a YouTube video describing our initial Covid-19 model

This model is described in our preprint. COVID-19 Modeling in CompuCell3D
Covid-19 multicell model on YouTube

We have prepared a more detailed video describing our initial Covid-19 model

We have also given a more detailed video presentation hosted by the
Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences on the use of CC3D in Covid-19 modeling.
Click on this image to view the video.

COMBINE 2015- University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah

2015 Multiscale Modeling Consortium Meeting, Interagency Modeling and Analysis Group- Bethesda, MD

2014 Multiscale Modeling Consortium Meeting, Interagency Modeling and Analysis Group- Bethesda, MD

Condensed Presentations from the conference Toward the 3D Virtual Cell- 2012, University of Washington, Seattle, WA